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The Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010

Product Code: M0039
Series: GSL Memoirs - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by G. Wadge, R.E.A. Robertson & B. Voight
Publication Date: 04 September 2014
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Memoir 39.

The 1995 to present eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano on Montserrat is one of the most important and best-studied eruptions of an explosive andesitic volcano. This volume presents scientific findings from the period between 2000 and 2010; it follows on from Memoir 21, which focused on the early years of activity between 1995 and 1999. In addition to descriptions and analysis of the growth, collapse and explosions associated with lava domes, there are papers on the deformation of the volcano caused by the deep magma, the petrology and geochemistry of the lavas and associated gases. Of particular note are: an overview of the insights into the deep structure of the volcano that resulted from a major international seismic tomography experiment; and an analysis of the quantitative risk assessment process that has run now for most of the eruption, the longest such continuous assessment in the world. 

Published online 02/06/2014. Print copy available from 04/09/2014.

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Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-630-2
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 501
Weight: 2.17 kg


Chapter 1 WADGE, G., VOIGHT, B., SPARKS, R. S. J., COLE, P. D., LOUGHLIN, S. C. & ROBERTSON, R. An overview of the eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010     

Chapter 2 ODBERT, H. M., STEWART, R. C. & WADGE, G. Cyclic phenomena at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat

Chapter 3 MELNIK, O. & COSTA, A. Dual-chamber-conduit models of non-linear dynamics behaviour at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat            

Chapter 4 COLE, P. D., SMITH, P., KOMOROWSKI, J.-C., ALFANO, F., BONADONNA, C., STINTON, A., CHRISTOPHER, T., ODBERT, H.M. & LOUGHLIN, S. Ash venting occurring both prior to and during lava extrusion at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 2005 to 2010               

Chapter 5 COLE, P. D., SMITH, P. J., STINTON, A. J., ODBERT, H. M., BERNSTEIN,M. L., KOMOROWSKI, J.C. & STEWART, R. Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat between 2008 and 2010       

Chapter 6 STINTON, A. J., COLE, P. D., ODBERT, H. M., CHRISTOPHER, T., AVARD, G. & BERNSTEIN,M. Dome growth and valley fill during Phase 5 (8 October 2009–11 February 2010) at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat    

Chapter 7 STINTON, A. J., COLE, P. D., STEWART, R. C., ODBERT, H.M. & SMITH, P. The 11 February 2010 partial dome collapse at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat      

Chapter 8 BAINES, P. G. & SACKS, S. Atmospheric internal waves generated by explosive volcanic eruptions               

Chapter 9 DELLE DONNE, D., RIPEPE, M., DE ANGELIS, S., COLE, P. D., LACANNA, G., POGGI, P. & STEWART, R. Thermal, acoustic and seismic signals from pyroclastic density currents and Vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat                                           

Chapter 10 OGBURN, S. E., CALDER, E. S., COLE, P. D. & STINTON, A. J. The effect of topography on ash-cloud surge generation and propagation                           

Chapter 11 ODBERT, H. M., RYAN, G. A., MATTIOLI, G. S., HAUTMANN, S., GOTTSMANN, J., FOURNIER, N. & HERD, R. A. Volcano geodesy at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat: a review

Chapter 12 ELSWORTH, D., FOROOZAN, R., TARON, J., MATTIOLI, G. S. & VOIGHT, B. Geodetic imaging of magma migration at Soufrière Hills Volcano 1995–2008   

Chapter 13 WADGE, G., MACFARLANE, D. G., ODBERT, H. M., STINTON, A., ROBERTSON, D. A., JAMES, M. R. & PINKERTON, H. AVTIS observations of lava dome growth at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat: 2004–2011          

Chapter 14 HAUTMANN, S., GOTTSMANN, J., CAMACHO, A. G., VAN CAMP, M. & FOURNIER, N. Continuous and campaign-style gravimetric investigations on Montserrat 2006–2009      

Chapter 15 VOIGHT, B., SPARKS, R. S. J., SHALEV, E., MINSHULL, T., PAULATTO, M., ANNEN, C., KENEDI, C., HAMMOND, J., HENSTOCK, T. J., BROWN, L., KIDDLE, E., MALIN, P., MATTIOLI, G., AMMON, C., ARIAS-DOTSON, E., BELOUSOV, A., BYERLY, K., CAROTHERS, L., CLARKE, A., DEAN, S., ELLETT, L., ELSWORTH, D., HIDAYAT, D., HERD, R. A., JOHNSON, M., LEE, A.,MILLER, V.,MURPHY, B., PEIRCE, C., RYAN, G., SALDANA, S., SNELSON, C., STEWART, R., SYERS, R., TARON, J., TROFIMOVS, J., WIDIWIJAYANTI, C., YOUNG, S. R. & ZAMORA, W. The SEA-CALIPSO volcano imaging experiment at Montserrat: plans, campaigns at sea and on land, scientific results, and lessons learned       

Chapter 16 EDMONDS, M., HUMPHREYS, M. C. S., HAURI, E. H., HERD, R. A., WADGE, G., RAWSON, H., LEDDEN, R., PLAIL, M., BARCLAY, J., AIUPPA, A., CHRISTOPHER, T. E., GIUDICE, G. & GUIDA, R. Pre-eruptive vapour and its role in controlling eruption style and longevity at Soufrière Hills Volcano                      

Chapter 17 CHRISTOPHER, T. E., HUMPHREYS, M. C. S., BARCLAY, J., GENAREAU, K., DE ANGELIS, S. M. H., PLAIL, M. & DONOVAN, A. Petrological and geochemical variation during the Soufrière Hills eruption, 1995 to 2010        

Chapter 18 PLAIL, M., BARCLAY, J., HUMPHREYS, M. C. S., EDMONDS, M., HERD, R. A. & CHRISTOPHER, T. E. Characterization of mafic enclaves in the erupted products of Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 2009 to 2010        

Chapter 19 DEVINE, J. D. & RUTHERFORD, M. J. Magma storage region processes of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat

Chapter 20 CASSIDY, M., TROFIMOVS, J.,WATT, S. F. L., PALMER,M. R., TAYLOR, R. N., GERNON, T. M., TALLING, P. J.&LE FRIANT, A. Multi-stage collapse events in the South Soufrière Hills, Montserrat as recorded in marine sediment cores  

Chapter 21 HORWELL, C. J., HILLMAN, S. E., COLE, P. D., LOUGHLIN, S. C., LLEWELLIN, E. W., DAMBY, D. E. & CHRISTOPHER, T. E. Controls on variations in cristobalite abundance in ash generated by the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat in the period 1997 to 2010            

Chapter 22 BAXTER, P. J., SEARL, A. S., COWIE, H. A., JARVIS, D. & HORWELL, C. J. Evaluating the respiratory health risks of volcanic ash at the eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 1995 to 2010        

Chapter 23 MURRELL, C., CHRISTOPHER, T. E., BASS, V. & SYERS, R. Sulphur dioxide diffusion tube monitoring: Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 1995 to 2011    

Chapter 24 WADGE, G.&ASPINALL, W. P. A review of volcanic hazard and risk-assessment praxis at the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 1997 to 2011     

Chapter 25 DONOVAN, A., OPPENHEIMER, C. & BRAVO, M. Reflexive volcanology: 15 years of communicating risk and uncertainty in scientific advice on Montserrat      

Chapter 26 SWORD-DANIELS, V., WILSON, T. M., SARGEANT, S., ROSSETTO, T., TWIGG, J., JOHNSTON, D. M., LOUGHLIN, S. C. & COLE, P. D. Consequences of long-term volcanic activity for essential services in Montserrat: challenges, adaptations and resilience      

Chapter 27 ODBERT, H. M. & GREBBY, S. A note on geographical systems and maps of Montserrat  




All very rich and luxuriously presented containing many informative documents, many spectacular colour photos.

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