WILSON, L. The role of geoarchaeology in extending our perspective
TRAPEZNIKOVA, O. N. Environmental limitations on agricultural development of the forest zone of the East European Plain (Russian Federation)
KRAFT, J. C., RAPP, G., BRU¨ KNER, H. & KAYAN, I?. Results of the struggle at ancient Ephesus: natural processes 1, human intervention 0
VATTUONE, M. M. S. & NEDER, L. Quaternary landscape evolution and human occupation in northwestern Argentina
GILLMORE, G. K., STEVENS, T., BUYLAERT, J. P., CONINGHAM, R. A. E., BATT, C., FAZELI, H., YOUNG, R. & MAGHSOUDI, M. Geoarchaeology and the value of multidisciplinary palaeoenvironmental approaches: a case study from the Tehran Plain, Iran
GILLMORE, G.K. & MELTON, N. Early Neolithic sands at West Voe, Shetland Islands: implications for human settlement
LIU, Z., SUN, H., LI, H. & WAN, N. δ13C, δ18O and deposition rate of tufa in Xiangshui River, SW China: implications for land-cover change caused by climate and human impact during the late Holocene
HEINZEL, C. & KOLB, M. Holocene land use in western Sicily: a geoarchaeological perspective
HILL, C. L., RAPP, G. & JING, Z. Alluvial stratigraphy and geoarchaeology in the Big Fork River Valley, Minnesota: human response to Late Holocene environmental change
RAPP, G. & JING, Z. Human–environment interactions in the development of early Chinese civilization
RAAB, A., BRÜTZKE, W., CHRISTOPHEL, D., V ÖLKEL, J.&RAAB, T. Reconstruction of the fire history in the Siedlungskammer Burgweinting (Bavaria, Germany) in relation to settlement and environmental history
WILSON, L. Raw material economics in their environmental context: an example from the Middle Palaeolithic of southern France
ROBERTSON, E. C. Reassessing Hypsithermal human–environment interaction on the Northern Plains