placement: Engineering
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Marc Othen

Placement Position: Keller, Industrial placement Engineer

How did you obtain your placement and what help did you receive from the University?

(Profile courtesy of the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Portsmouth)

Before starting university I applied to the University Industrial Alliance Bursary Scheme and filled out an application form, and was then selected for an interview at the Geological Society in London. I was one of 7 students picked after being interviewed by university lecturers and company representatives and was on the bursary scheme. 

During the first year I attended a matching day where the companies and students had the opportunity to meet and select their favourite and later matched. The University matched me with Keller and I went on to complete a summer placement and currently on my year placement.

Can you describe your current job and the types of role that you fulfill?

Currently I am working as an industrial placement Engineer for Keller on the Victoria Station Upgrade. I have had many roles including testing and sampling, contractual and most recently design works and submissions of safe methods of working and issued design sets

What do you feel you will gain from the Placement year?

I will gain many things from the placement, including relating the aspects of the course to real life situations and job contracts, and learning solutions to these. 

During my placement year, my experience of many different engineering techniques, equipment and solutions, will allow me to combine university work with on site experience to prepare me for a career in the industry. I have also developed time management and organisational skills, and contractual knowledge and experience of the industry on site and in the office.

What would your advice be to anyone thinking of studying at University?

I would advise coming to an open day, and experiencing the city and what the subject has to offer you, as it’s important to ensure you know all the details of the course before applying.

Background Image: The Crossrail Project, London. Credit: EG Focus / Flickr
placement: Engineering