
CV Advice

CVs are a document designed to get you an interview for a role. To achieve this CVs must effectively sell your skills, abilities and achievements in addition to matching you to the role applied for. The aim is to stand out from the crowd.

Questions employers will ask themselves when looking at your CV include: 

A good CV will adhere to the following criteria:

Ensuring a CV looks professional is vital. 

As a guide the following details should be adhered to:

Geologist analyzes core samples at drill site, Baltimore, US
Geologist analyzes core samples at drill site, Baltimore, US

Covering Letters

Most job applications ask for a covering letter. This must include the following:

If the role does not specify that a covering letter is required, it is a good idea to include a short personal profile at the top of your CV (no more than a paragraph or 3-4 bullet points). This is just a short summary of yourself and what you offer.