
Environmental Geology & Contaminated Land

Environmental geology

Environmental geologists apply geological principles to solving environmental problems of water and land on which people, animals and plants live, which may have resulted from human activities or natural processes.

Environmental Geologists monitoring stream pollution
Environmental Geologists monitoring stream pollution

Roles & Career Profiles

Environmental geologists or environmental consultants often work for engineering consultancy firms. 

They undertake roles such as:

Environmental Consultant

    Environmental Risk Management 

Read career profile 

Environmental Geochemist

Contaminated Land Specialist

Geoscience Areas

Those employed in the environmental geology sector will utilise their knowledge of, and possibly specialise in, aspects of geoscience such as:

Skills such as effective communication and report writing, and the ability to evaluate the reliability of data from different sources, are also important.


Contaminated Land

Many geoscience graduates specialise in remediation of contaminated land, learning skills in:
  • Environmental Management including licensing, permitting & waste management
  • Site Investigation: planning, drilling, sampling and preservation, field and laboratory testing, and health & safety 
  • Contaminant hydrogeology 
  • Understanding of the Earth systems and geochemical cycles controlling movement of contaminants –some may also deal with radiological risks.
  • Planning and implementing remediation projects including mine remediation
  • Stakeholder engagement, project management, financing, valuation and insurance.

Many contaminated land investigation, assessment and remediation activities fall under the Engineering Geology discipline. Other inter-related disciplines include geotechnics, hydrology (drainage, and flood risk), ecology and geophysics.

Watch this video from the Contaminated Land Group to find out more about a career in this area.

Geologists analyse samples using a Mass Spectrometer

Roles & Career Profiles

Contaminated Land Consultant

Technical Officer Groundwater and Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land Contractor

Contaminated Land Lecturer

Contaminated Land Regulator


Geoscience Areas

Those employed in the contaminated land sector use their knowledge of Geoscience areas and related sciences such as:

Other skills such as effective communication of risks and hazards, report writing, and the ability to evaluate the reliability of data from different sources, are also important.