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Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology: History and Development

Product Code: TMS006
Series: TMS Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by A.J. Bowden, F.J. Gregory and A.S. Henderson
Publication Date: 19 December 2013
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TMS Special Publication 6.

This TMS Special Publication comprises a collection of 23 papers with an international authorship reflecting on landmarks in the history and development of Foraminiferal micropalaeontology. The volume is prefaced by an introductory overview that provides a brief and selected historical setting, as well as the intended aims of the book.
Selected developments in Foraminiferal studies from a global perspective are presented from the time of Alcide d'Orbigny and the founding of the Paris MNHN collections in the mid-nineteenth century to the use of foraminifera in industry, other museum collections, palaeoceanography and environmental studies, regional studies from the Southern Hemisphere and the rise and fall of significant research schools. The book concludes with a chapter on the modelling of foraminifera.
Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology: History and Development will be of particular interest to micropalaeontologists, other Earth scientists, historians of science, museum curators and the general reader with an interest in science.

For TMS titles discounts apply to Geological Society of London or The Micropalaeontological Society members only. (Please see the Bookshop FAQ for instructions on how to register for member discounts).

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-371-4
Publisher: GSL on behalf of TMS
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 360
Weight: 0.97 kg


Introduction and overview

BOWDEN, A.J., GREGORY, F.J. & HENDERSON, A.S. Introduction to Landmarks in Foraminiferal Micropalaeontology: History and Development

Early history 18001914

VÉNEC-PEYRÉ, M.-T. & BARTOLINI, A. Alcide d’Orbigny and the Paris foraminiferal collection

JONES, R.W. Henry Bowman Brady (1835–1891): the man, the scientist and the scientific legacy    

JONES, R.W. Supplemental notes on the Challenger Foraminifera

WHITTAKER, J.E. Edward Heron-Allen FRS (1861–1943)

The rise of professionalism 19141950

YAKOVLEVA-O’NEILL, S.P. & KOZLOVA, G.E. A history of the first micropalaeontological laboratory in the former Soviet Union

REMIZOVA, S.T. The Soviet school of Palaeozoic Foraminifera micropalaeontology

HUBER, B.T., BUZAS, M.A., DREW, A. & JETT, J.A. History of foraminiferal collections at the Smithsonian Institution

The rise of applied micropalaeontology

HART, M.B. & BAILEY, H.W. Key figures from the history of research on the Foraminifera of the Chalk Group in the UK

MARTIN, R.E. The evolution of Gulf Coast micropalaeontology: from biostratigraphy to chronostratigraphy

FINGER, K.L. California foraminiferal micropalaeontology

HUGHES, G.W. Micropalaeontologists of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries

The rise of palaeoceanography post-Challenger

BERGER, W.H. On the beginnings of palaeoceanography: Foraminifera, pioneers and the Albatross Expedition

The rise of environmental micropalaeontology and palaeoecology

SEN GUPTA, B.K. The roots of environmental micropalaeontology: early inquiries into modern foraminiferal distributions

Australian, New Zealand, Asian and Sino-Japanese histories

LUNT, P. Foraminiferal micropalaeontology in SE Asia

SARASWATI, P.K. Foraminiferal study in India: a journey from taxonomy and time to ocean and climate

TAKAYANAGI, Y. & KITAZATO, H. Foraminiferology in Japan: a brief historical review

McGOWRAN, B. Martin Glaessner’s foraminiferal micropalaeontology

QUILTY, P.G. Foraminiferology in Australia, 1843–present

HAYWARD, B.W. & SCOTT, G.H. Historical review of New Zealand foraminiferal studies

Training and research schools

HART, M.B., HAYNES, J.R., with ALDRIDGE, R.J., BAILEY, H.W., GEHRELS, W.R., GREGORY, F.J., LORD, A.R., MURRAY, J.W., PEARSON, P.N. & WHITTAKER, J.E. A history of academic research on Foraminifera in the UK

PETRIZZO, M.R., PREMOLI SILVA, I. & CITA, M.B. The Milan school of foraminiferal micropalaeontology

HOTTINGER, L. Micropalaeontology in Basel (Switzerland) during the twentieth century: the rise and fall of one of the smaller fields of the life sciences

Depiction of form: modelling foraminifera

MILLER, C.G. A brief history of modelling Foraminifera: from d’Orbigny to Zheng Shouyi



Reviewed by Martin Carruthers

Featured in Geoscientist Dec 2014/Jan 2015

This is plainly an academic book for academics. I imagine particularly micropalaeontologists? Who else would have the grit to plod through it?

Those with an interest in historical geology, the oil industry, the channel tunnel, war deprived determination and the like should all wish to read this book eagerly.

In summary – it is a book to be recommended to those with the necessary dedication, patience and determination.

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