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Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates

Product Code: TMS005
Series: TMS Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by F. Marret, J.M. Lewis & L.R. Bradley
Publication Date: 04 December 2013
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TMS Special Publication No. 5

Special offer online bookshop price: £25
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This volume provides an overview of current research on fossil and modern dinoflagellates, as well as highlighting research areas for future collaboration, following the DINO9 International Conference in Liverpool. The volume is organized into four themes, with a review paper for each theme written by the key-note speaker. Each theme also includes a future research foci note following discussion during the conference.

The contributions are organized into the following sections: environmental change, ecology/palaeoecology, life cycles and diversity, and stratigraphy and evolution. Also included are notes from two workshops: culture experiments and dinocysts as palaeoceanographic tracers.

This volume will be of interest to both the biological and micropalaeontological communities.


For TMS titles discounts apply to Geological Society of London or The Micropalaeontological Society members only. (Please see the Bookshop FAQ for instructions on how to register for member discounts).

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-368-4
Publisher: GSL on behalf of TMS
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 373
Weight: 1.01 kg




HEAD, M. J. & HARLAND, R. A history of the international conferences on modern and fossil dinoflagellates, 1978–2011

POTVIN, E. The 9th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (Dino 9): a student perspective

RIDING, J. B. Dino 9: Lifetime achievement award 2011


Section I - Environmental Change

DE SCHEPPER, S. Combining dinoflagellate cyst studies with geochemical proxies: application to palaeoceanography, palaeoecology and biostratigraphy

HARLAND, R., NORDBERG, K. & ARDO, R. Latest Holocene dinoflagellate cyst records from the west coast of Sweden and their impact on the interpretation of environmental change

BONNET, S., DE VERNAL, A. & HENRY, M. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblage distributions as tracers of Pacific v. Atlantic water masses in the Northern Hemisphere

DE VERNAL, A., ROCHON, A., RADI, T. & HENRY, M. Dinocysts as proxies of sea-ice cover in Arctic and subarctic environments

Abstracts of the Environmental Change Session

ROCHON, A., HARLAND, R. & DE VERNAL, A. Dinoflagellates and their cysts: key foci for future research


Section II - Ecology Palaeoecology

MASURE, E. M., AUMAR, A.-M. & VRIELYNCK, B. Worlwide palaeogeography of Aptian and Late Albian dinoflagellate cysts: Implications for sea-surface temperature gradients and palaeoclimate

BRADLEY, L. R. & MARRET, F. Studying Holocene environmental change in the Marmara Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Aral Sea using dinoflagellate cysts

MCCARTHY, F. M. G. & KRUEGER, A. M. Freshwater dinoflagellates in palaeolimnological studies: Peridinium cysts as proxies of cultural eutrophication in the SE Great Lakes region of Ontario, Canada

ANDERSON, D. M., KEAFER, B. A., MCGILLICUDDY, D. J. Jr, SOLOW, A. R. & KLEINDINST, J. L. Improving the accuracy and utility of harmful algal bloom forecasting systems

ELLEGAARD, M., RIBEIRO, S., LUNDHOLM, N., ANDERSEN, T. J., BERGE, T., EKELUND, F., HÄRNSTRÖM, K. & GODHE, A. Using the sediment archive of living dinoflagellate cysts and other protist resting stages to study temporal population dynamics

LICEA, S., ZAMUDIO, M. E., CORTÉS-ALTAMIRANO, R., LUNA, R. & SOTO, P. J. Distribution of known or presumed toxic dinoflagellates in the southern Gulf of Mexico, 1979–2008

Abstracts of the Ecology Palaeoecology Session

MARRET, F. & GARCÉS, E. Future research foci for the ecology and palaeoecology of dinoflagellates and their cysts


Section III - Life Cycles & Diversity

KREMP, A. Diversity of dinoflagellate life cycles: facets and implications of complex strategies

HOPPENRATH, M., CHOMÉRAT, N. & LEANDER, B. Molecular phylogeny of Sinophysis: Evaluating the possible early evolutionary history of dinophysoid dinoflagellates

TAYLOR, J. D., BERZANO, M., LEWIS, J., PERCY, L. & MEDLIN, L. K. Preliminary results of the MIDTAL project: a microarray chip to monitor toxic microalgae in the Orkney Islands, UK

AMORIM, A., VELOSO, V., RODRíGUEZ, F. & FRAGA, S. Life cycle, morphology and phylogeny of species of Fragilidium Balech from west Iberia

ZAMUDIO, M. E., LICEA, S. & LUNA, R. Relative abundance and distribution of unarmoured dinoflagellate species in the Southern Gulf of Mexico (2005–2010)

Abstracts of Life Cycles & Diversity Session

ELLEGAARD, M., FIGUEROA, R. & VERSTEEGH, G. J. M. Dinoflagellate life cycles, strategy and diversity: key foci for future research       


Section IV - Stratigraphy & Evolution

MEDLIN, L. K. & FENSOME, R. A. Dinoflagellate macroevolution: some considerations based on an integration of molecular, morphological and fossil evidence

MATSUOKA, K. & KAWAMI, H. Phylogenetic subdivision of the genus Protoperidinium (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) with emphasis on the Monovela Group

ARAI, M. & VIVIERS, M. C. Dinoflagellate cyst superdominance assemblages from the Upper Cretaceous of the Santos Basin, offshore SE Brazil, and their palaeoecological significance

MEDLIN, L. K. Dinoflagellate microevolution, from species to populations

SCHRECK, M. & MATTHIESSEN, J. Batiacasphaera micropapillata: Palaeobiogeographic distribution and palaeoecological implications of a critical Neogene species complex

Abstracts from the Stratigraphy & Evolution Session

MATSUOKA, K. & HEAD, M. J. Clarifying cyst-motile stage relationships in dinoflagellates


Section V - Workshops

BOLCH, C. & PERCY, L. DINO 9 Workshop Report: Linking dinoflagellate life-cycle stages using single-cell isolation and molecular typing

DE VERNAL, A., RADI, T. & MARRET, F. Dinocyst assemblages as proxies in Late Cenozoic palaeoceanography: towards quantitative reconstructions using transfer functions (workshop)


James Powell

Geoscientist vol 25 no. 7

The volume kicks off with an insightful personal account of the history of the ‘Dino conferences’ by Martin Head and Rex Harland, followed by a short review by Potvin, and a citation by Jim Riding for a (richly deserved) Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed on Rob Fensome (and his response).
Rather than present an array of loosely connected conference papers, the editors have sensibly arranged the rest of the volume into four main themes reflecting the structure of the meeting itself: Environmental Change, Ecology & Palaeoecology, Life Cycles & Diversity, and Stratigraphy & Evolution.
The editors should be congratulated on producing such a worthy addition to The Micropalaeontological Society’s Special Publication series.

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