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Geomechanics and Geology

Geomechanics and Geology

Print publication date: 18/09/2017

Structural geology, Tectonics, Geological Society of London, GSL Special Publication

Type: Book (Hardback)

Binding: Hardback

ISBN: 9781786203205

Weight: 0.9kg

Number of pages: 298


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Full Description

Product Code: SP458

Edited by J.P. Turner, D. Healy, R.R. Hillis and M. Welch

Special Publication 458

Geomechanics investigates the origin, magnitude and deformational consequences of stresses in the crust. In recent years awareness of geomechanical processes has been heightened by societal debates on fracking, human-induced seismicity, natural geohazards and safety issues with respect to petroleum exploration drilling, carbon sequestration and radioactive waste disposal. This volume explores the common ground linking geomechanics with inter alia economic and petroleum geology, structural geology, petrophysics, seismology, geotechnics, reservoir engineering and production technology. Geomechanics is a rapidly developing field that brings together a broad range of subsurface professionals seeking to use their expertise to solve current challenges in applied and fundamental geoscience. A rich diversity of case studies herein showcase applications of geomechanics to hydrocarbon exploration and field development, natural and artificial geohazards, reservoir stimulation, contemporary tectonics and subsurface fluid flow. These papers provide a representative snapshot of the exciting state of geomechanics and establish it firmly as a flourishing subdiscipline of geology that merits broadest exposure across the academic and corporate geosciences.

Published online 13/09/2017. Print copies available 19/09/2017.

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Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R. & Welch, M. J. Geomechanics and geology: introduction

Addis, M. A. The geology of geomechanics: petroleum geomechanical engineering in field development planning

Tavener, E., Flottmann, T. & Brooke-Barnett, S. In situ stress distribution and mechanical stratigraphy in the Bowen and Surat basins, Queensland, Australia

Tassone, D. R., Holford, S. P., King, R., Tingay, M. R. P. & Hillis, R. R. Contemporary stress and neotectonics in the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia

English, J. M., Finkbeiner, T., English, K. L. & Yahia Cherif, R. State of stress in exhumed basins and implications for fluid flow: insights from the Illizi Basin, Algeria

Wynn, T. J., Kumar, R., Jones, R., Howell, K., Maxwell, D. & Bailey, P. Chalk reservoir of the Ockley accumulation, North Sea: in situ stresses, geology and implications for stimulation

Sibson, R. H. The edge of failure: critical stress overpressure states in different tectonic regimes

Fetter, M., Moraes, A. & Muller, A. Active low-angle normal faults in the deep water Santos Basin, offshore Brazil: a geomechanical analogy between salt tectonics and crustal deformation

Richardson, C. A. & Seedorff, E. Estimating friction in normal fault systems of the Basin and Range province and examining its geological context

Roberts, J. J., Wilkinson, M., Naylor, M., Shipton, Z. K., Wood, R. A. & Haszeldine, R. S. Natural CO2 sites in Italy show the importance of overburden geopressure, fractures and faults for CO2 storage performance and risk management

Lahann, R. W. & Swarbrick, R. E. An improved procedure for pre-drill calculation of fracture pressure

Descamps, F., Faÿ-Gomord, O., Vandycke, S., Schroeder, C., Swennen, R. & Tshibangu, J.-P. Relationships between geomechanical properties and lithotypes in NW European chalks

Gillespie, P. & Kampfer, G. Mechanical constraints on kink band and thrust development in the Appalachian Plateau, USA

English, J. M. & Laubach, S. E. Opening-mode fracture systems: insights from recent fluid inclusion microthermometry studies of crack-seal fracture cements

Gulmammadov, R., Covey-Crump, S. & Huuse, M. Geomechanical characterization of mud volcanoes using P-wave velocity datasets
