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Radioactive Waste Disposal

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Geological disposal involves isolating waste in an underground facility constructed in a suitable rock formation, typically at a depth of 200 to 1000m, to ensure that no harmful quantities of radioactivity reach the surface environment. 


external linkUnderground or Overground? Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Blog Post, August 2014)

eventPast Events

London Lecture: Managing Nuclear Power on a Dynamic Earth (May 2014)

London Lecture: Meeting the challenge: Geological disposal of UK higher activity radioactive waste (March 2014)

Radioactive Waste Disposal: Site Characterisation - A one-day conference held at the Geological Society in 2011



  • Radioactive waste disposal part 1 - Rebecca Lunn of the University of Strathclyde discusses UK efforts to dispose of high level radioactive waste, and our moral obligation to find a long term solution
  • Radioactive waste disposal part 2 - Professor Neil Chapman explains the hazards which need to be looked at when disposing of radioactive wastes, and what they mean for the future of the nuclear industry.

policy documentPolicy statements and consultation responses


Geoscientist ArticleGeoscientist Magazine

  • Implementing geological disposal - Bruce Yardley on the new White Paper, September 2014 article.
  • Radwaste: factual corrections - On the Soapbox discussion over Nuclear Waste, April 2014 article.
  • Encounter at Meiringen – On the common ground of CCS and Radwaste, September 2011, article (this is on CCS and radwaste)
  • Nuclear Wave – On the implications of Fukushima for nuclear new build and radioactive waste disposal, May 2011, article
  • Nuclear vision – On the 2011 meeting with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, February 2011, news item
Managing Radioactive Waste Safely

Read the Society's position statement.

Geology for Society

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Aimed at policy and decision-makers as well as the wider public, 'Geology for Society' outlines the importance of geology to our society.