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Please also see Terms of Use for Pay-per-view Users.

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Pay-per-view options:

Article /

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The article must be downloaded and saved locally within the 24 hour access period.
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Book Volume  
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Each article must be downloaded separately and saved locally within the 7 day access period.
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Articles can be downloaded in PDF or ePub versions (depending on the date of publication). More information on downloading and reading purchased content offline.

An Accepted Manuscript is a water-marked PDF of the accepted text and original figures. It is not copyedited, typeset, proofed or corrected.

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To access purchased content during your access period: login to the site, click on your name (top, right), then My Account. The purchased article / issues / volume / eBook will be listed in Access Entitlements with the time remaining for access (screenshots below). 

If purchased as a Guest please enter the email address used to make the purchase in the email box under "Restore your content access" within the access period and click "Send Restore Email". Screenshot below.

When downloading purchases please check your internet browser settings to allow pop-ups from the Lyell Collection site.

If further assistance is required with your purchase or viewing the content please contact us

My Account screenshots:

Pay per view screenshots

Screenshot of ebook purchase in My Account on the Lyell Collection website

Restore access to a Guest purchase screenshot:

Screenshot restore access for guest purchased

The Lyell Collection

Further information

Further information can be found in the FAQs. For all other queries, please contact us.