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Make the most out of your Chartership

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How to take your Chartership to the next level by supporting new Chartership applicants, mentoring and assesssing

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The Geological Society recognises that candidates for Chartership may have concerns about the confidentiality of material submitted or presented within their application.

The below downloadable document sets out the key considerations for candidates to be aware of within the application and review process.

The Geological Society requires all Fellows to encourage and assist in the development of a safe, diverse and inclusive workforce through our Code of Conduct. We are firmly committed to improving access and opportunities in the geosciences, and in 2014 signed the Science Council's Declaration on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. In 2023, the Chartership regulations for Chartered Geologist (criterion (v)) were updated to reflect current professional practice with regards to EDIA.

We welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation, age or other diversity characteristic. We encourage candidates applying for Chartership to let us know of any accessibility requirements that should be taken into account during the assessment of their application. This could include a disability, physical or mental health condition, or anything that means extra support or reasonable adjustments might be required.

Similarly, those who are fulfilling the role of a Chartership Assessor are also welcome to advise us of any considerations necessary to delivering their role for the Geological Society. This is requested so that everyone receives the same opportunities during the review process. Any information given regarding personal access requirements will be used to inform access during the review and interview process. All information will be kept confidential.

Please contact us at or to discuss any access needs, reasonable adjustments or additional application support that may be required at any point during the Chartership process.

If you have any questions about Chartership, need any assistance or need to speak to a member of the team, please contact

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