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Careers Day

The Geological Society's Careers Day is the essential meeting place for geoscience students and industry, featuring exhibitions, workshops and much more

The Geological Society’s annual Careers Day provides students with the chance to meet and talk with representatives from a variety of geoscience related industries and learn about the vacancies and opportunities available to them.

Careers Day 2025 will take place at Burlington House on Wednesday 5 November

This year’s event focuses on the Society’s 5 Scientific Themes with speakers from both academia and industry covering topics including the Energy Transition, Geohazards, Geoengineering & Georesilience, Climate & Ecology, Planetary Science, and Digital Geoscience.

This will be a fantastic opportunity for geoscience students to learn all about the latest career developments and exciting opportunities over the course of the day.

The day will include presentations covering the varied areas of geology and academia. There will also be an opportunity to meet industry professionals for interview, CV, networking and job placement advice.

This is a hybrid event. Students can watch the live stream of talks remotely, or they can come along in person to meet sponsors and speakers.

More details coming soon. Join our mailing list to find out when registration opens.

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