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Cover image A Guide to Forensic Science

A Guide to Forensic Geology

Print publication date: 25/08/2021

Geological Society of London, GSL Geoscience in Practice, Earth Resources and Economic Geology, GeoGifts

Type: Book (Hardback)

Binding: Hardback

ISBN: 9781786204882

Weight: 0.85kg

Number of pages: 218


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Full Description

Forensic geology is the application of geology to aid the investigation of crime. A Guide to Forensic Geology was written by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG), which was established to promote and develop forensic geology around the world. This book presents the first practical guide for forensic geologists in search and geological trace evidence analysis. Guidance is provided on using geological methods during search operations. This developed following international case work experiences and research over the last 25 years for homicide graves, burials associated with serious and organised crime and counter terrorism. With expertise gained in over 300 serious crime investigations, the guidance also considers geological trace evidence, including the examination of crime scenes, geological evidence recovery and analysis from exhibits and the reporting of results. The book also considers the judicial system, reporting and requirements for presenting evidence in court. Included are emerging applications of geology to police and law enforcement: illegal and illicit mining, conflict minerals, substitution, adulteration, fraud and fakery.

Cover image: Forensic geologists, Dr Laurance Donnelly (Founder and Chair, IUGS-IFG) and Dr Rosa Maria Di Maggio (IUGS-IFG, Officer for Europe), demonstrating the examination of a crime scene and the collection of geological trace evidence as part of a ground search for a burial, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Photograph: Prof. Pier Matteo Barone, IUGS-IFG Crime Scene Adviser.

Abbreviations and acronyms
DONNELLY, L.J. Introduction
DONNELLY, L.J. AND MURRAY, R. A historical overview of forensic geology
DONNELLY, L.J. AND HARRISON, M. Geoforensic search strategy (GSS): ground searches related to homicide graves, counter-terrorism and serious and organized crime
PIRRIE, D., RUFFELL, A., DAWSON, L. AND MCKINLEY, J. Crime scenes: geoforensic assessment, sampling and examination
PIRRIE, D., RUFFELL, A. AND DAWSON, L. Geological evidence recovery from exhibits
RUFFELL, A., PIRRIE, D. AND DAWSON, L. Geological evidence analysis
DAWSON, L, AUCHIE, D. AND PARRATT, D. The judicial system, reporting and giving evidence in court
DONNELLY, L.J. AND RUFFELL, A. Emerging applications of forensic geology

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