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A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 2

Print publication date: 05/06/2023

Earth Materials Deposits and Petrology, Geological Society of London, GSL Special Publication

Type: Book (Hardback)

Binding: Hardback

ISBN: 9781786205896

Weight: 1.4kg

Number of pages: 618


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Full Description

Product Code:SP533

Special Publication 533 

The Ordovician was one of the longest of the geological periods, characterized by major magmatic and tectonic activity, an immense biodiversification, swings in climate and sea levels, and the first Phanerozoic mass extinction. ‘A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System’ is presented in two volumes in The Geological Society, Special Publications. Whereas the first volume (SP532) concentrates on general aspects and a synthesis of the Ordovician geology of Europe, this volume (SP533) includes reviews of Ordovician successions of most other parts of the world. The classic successions of the Ordovician basins of North America are presented, as well as those of China where several of the Ordovician Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points are defined. The volume also includes syntheses of the Ordovician geology of Africa, South America, most regions of Asia from the Near to the Far East along with Central Asia, as well as Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica.

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Related title: A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 1 (Special Publication 532)

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Published on the Lyell Collection 18/05/2023.

Edited by T. Servais, D.A.T. Harper, B. Lefebvre, I. G. Percival


Servais, T., Harper, D. A. T., Lefebvre, B. and Percival, I. G. A journey through the Ordovician System around the world

Dumoulin, J. A., Strauss, J. V. and Repetski, J. E. Ordovician geology of Alaska

Stouge, S., Rasmussen, C. M. Ø. and Harper, D. A. T. The Ordovician System in Greenland

Desrochers, A., Jin, J. and Dewing, K. The Ordovician System of Canada: an extensive stratigraphic record of Laurentian shallow water platforms and deep marine basins

McLaughlin, P. I. and Stigall, A. L. Ordovician of the conterminous United States

Cuen-Romero, F. J., Buitrón-Sánchez, B. E., Beresi, M. S., Palafox-Reyes, J. J. and Monreal, R. Ordovician stratigraphy and biota of Mexico

Waisfeld, B. G., Benedetto, J. L., Toro, B. A., Voldman, G. G., Rubinstein, C. V., Heredia, S., Assine, M. L., Vaccari, N. E. and Niemeyer, H. The Ordovician of southern South America

Penn-Clarke, C. R., Browning, C. and Harper, D. A. T. The Ordovician System of South Africa: a Review

Ghienne, J.-F., Abdallah, H., Deschamps, R., Guiraud, M., Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C., Konaté, M., Meinhold, G., Moussa, A. and Rubino, J.-L. The Ordovician record of North and West Africa: unravelling sea-level variations, Gondwana tectonics, and the glacial impact

Elicki, O., Meischner, T., Gürsu, S., Ghienne, J.-F., Masri, A., Moumani, K. A. and Demircan, H. The Ordovician System in the Levant region (Middle East) and southern Turkey: review of depositional facies, fauna and stratigraphy

Ghobadi Pour, M. and Popov, L. E. The Ordovician of the Middle East (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan) 

Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L. E., Kim, A. I., Abduazimova, Z. M., Mikolaichuk, A. V., Kim, I. A., Ospanova, N., Erina, M. V., Salimova, F. A., Klishevich, I., Saidov, M. S., Davlatov, N. H., Abdiyev, N. H., Koldybekov, O. Y., Gordeev, D., Rustamov, S. T. and Yangiboev, S. B. The Ordovician of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) 

Popov, L., Zhylkaidarov, A., Zhemchuzhnikov, V., Stepanets, W., Gridina, N. M. and Antonyuk, R. M. Ordovician of Kazakhstan 

Myrow, P. M., Hughes, N. C. and Singh, B. P. Ordovician strata of the Indian subcontinent

Zhang, Y., Zhan, R., Zhen, Y. Y., Wang, W., Liang, Y., Fang, X., Wu, R., Yan, K., Zhang, J. and Li, W. Regional synthesis of the Ordovician geology and stratigraphy of China 

Lee, J.-H., Cho, S. H., Choh, S.-J., Hong, J., Lee, B.-S., Lee, D.-C., Lee, D.-J., Lee, S.-B., Park, J. and Woo, J. The Ordovician of the Korean Peninsula: a synthesis

Isozaki, Y. Ordovician Japan: geotectonic setting and palaeogeography

Agematsu, S. and Oo, T. Ordovician geology of the Sibumasu Block, SE Asia

Percival, I. G., Glen, R. A. and Zhen, Y. Y. Current knowledge of the Ordovician System in Antarctica

Percival, I. G., Zhen, Y. Y. and Normore, L. The Ordovician System in Australia and New Zealand
