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Cover image A revised correlation of Tertiary rocks in the British Isles and adjacent areas of NW Europe

A revised correlation of Tertiary rocks in the British Isles and adjacent areas of NW Europe

Print publication date: 04/01/2016

GSL Special Reports, Earth and Solar System History, Stratigraphy

Type: Book (Paperback)

Binding: Paperback

ISBN: 9781862397286

Weight: 2.1kg

Number of pages: 724


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Full Description

Product Code:SR027

By C. King, Edited by A.S. Gale & T.L. Barry

Special Report 27, paperback

This Special Report comprehensively describes the stratigraphy and correlation of the Tertiary (Paleogene–Neogene) rocks of NW Europe and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean and is the summation of fifty years of research on Tertiary sediments by Chris King. His book is essential reading for all geologists who deal with Tertiary rocks across NW Europe, including those in the petroleum industry and geotechnical services as well as academic stratigraphers and palaeontologists. 

Introductory sections on chronostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and other methods of dating and correlation are followed by a regional summary of Tertiary sedimentary basins and their framework and an introduction to Tertiary igneous rocks. The third and largest segment comprises the regional stratigraphic summaries. Regions covered are the North Sea Basin, onshore areas of southern England and the eastern English Channel area, the North Atlantic margins (including non-marine basins in the Irish Sea and elsewhere) and the Paleogene igneous rocks of Scotland.



1: Introduction

2: Chronostratigraphy

3: Biostratigraphy

4: Non-biostratigraphic techniques of dating and correlation

5: Sequence stratigraphy

6: Tertiary sediments: distribution and structural setting

7: Tertiary igneous rocks: general features, dating and correlation

8: The North Sea Basin and adjacent areas: general aspects

9: The North Sea Basin: Early Paleocene (Danian)

10: The North Sea Basin: Middle and Late Paleocene (Selandian and Thanetian)

11: The North Sea Basin: Eocene

12: The North Sea Basin: Early Oligocene to mid-Miocene

13: The North Sea Basin: mid-Miocene to Early Pleistocene

14: East Anglia and the London Basin (Paleocene and Eocene)

15: The Hampshire Basin and adjacent areas

16: The Dieppe Basin and adjacent areas

17: Non-marine Tertiary sediments of western Britain and Ireland

18: The Western Approaches Basin and Celtic Sea marine basins

19: North Atlantic margins. The Porcupine Basin and adjacent areas

20: The Rockall Basin and adjacent areas

21: The Rockall High, Hatton Basin and Hatton High

22: The Faroe Islands and adjacent areas

23: East Greenland and adjacent offshore areas

24: The Faroe–Shetland Basin and adjacent areas

25: Early Paleogene igneous rocks of the British Isles and adjacent areas




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Nigel Combley BSc Hons Geosciences (Open) FGS

This review featured in OUGS Proceedings vol 3 2017

This book is a fitting tribute to the work of the late Dr Chris King, who was instrumental in the research and preparation of the manuscript, using more than 40 years of papers and data. The references section alone covers more than 50 pages.
The writers stress that this is not a textbook on the Tertiary geological history of this area, but a critical summary of current knowledge: it is a must for anyone who works in, or is seriously interested in this field.



Dmitry A. Ruban, Rostov am Don, Paläontologie Allgemein


This is nothing less than a triumph of the classical stratigraphy in the modern geoscience...The factual richness of the book is unprecedented. From this book, one can learn about numerous biozones and historical subdivisions. Moreover, the past and new stratigraphical developments are compared, and, thus, this book can be used for "deciphering" of the earlier stratigraphical schemes.
Joseph's book will be among the best possible gifts to the broad circle of people interested in the Earth, Life, and , particularly, ocean sciences.