Soldati, M. Geodiversity and geoheritage research: valuable resources for Earth Science outreach and sustainable development
Kubalíková, L., Irapta, P. N., Pál, M., Zwoliński, Z., Coratza, P. and van Wyk de Vries, B. Visages of geodiversity and geoheritage: A multidisciplinary approach to valuing, conserving and managing abiotic nature
Principles and conceptual aspects of geodiversity and geoheritage research
Gray, M. Some observations and reflections on geodiversity, the oft-forgotten half of nature
Tukiainen, H., Toivanen, M. and Maliniemi, T. Geodiversity and Biodiversity
Kubalíková, L. and Coratza, P. Reflections of geodiversity–culture relationships within the concept of abiotic ecosystem services
Migoń, P. and Pijet-Migoń, E. The role of geodiversity and geoheritage in tourism and local Development
Geodiversity – practical applications of the principles and concepts
Najwer, A., Reynard, E. and Zwoliński, Z. Geodiversity assessment for geomorphosites management: Derborence and Illgraben, Swiss Alps
Li, B., Németh, K., Zakharovskyi, V., Palmer, J., Palmer, A. and Proctor, J. Geodiversity estimate of the Arxan–Chaihe Volcanic Field extending across two geoparks in Inner Mongolia, NE China
Zakharovskyi, V., Kósik, S., Li, B. and Németh, K. Geosite determination based on geodiversity assessment utilizing the volcanic history of a near-sea-level explosive eruption-dominated volcanic island: Tūhua/Mayor Island, New Zealand
Pál, M. and Albert, G. From geodiversity assessment to geosite analysis – a GIS-aided workflow from the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary
Kubalíková, L., Balková, M. and Zapletalová, D. Where geodiversity meets biodiversity and culture: a case study from the abandoned limestone quarries of Hády (Brno, Czech Republic)
Geoheritage – practical applications of the principles and concepts
Vergara-Daskam, C. and Estay-Daskam, C. Geoheritage of Cajón del Maipo aspiring geopark: inventory, assessment, and opportunities for local development in the Andes of central Chile
Bubniak, I. M., Bubniak, A. M., Vikhot, Y. M., Kril, S. Y., Oliinyk, M. A. and Bihun, M. V. The Sukil River valley: a natural geological laboratory (case studies from the Ukrainian Carpathians)
Masseroli, A., Bollati, I. M., Trombino, L. and Pelfini, M. The soil trail of Buscagna Valley, an example of the role of soil science in geodiversity and geoheritage analyses
Németh, B. and Németh, K. Spatial decision-making support for geoheritage conservation in the urban and indigenous environment of the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
Drápela, E. Geoheritage and overtourism: a case study from sandstone rock cities in the Czech Republic
Justice, S. C. Leveraging Earth science research for effective sustainability policy and territorial management in the Chablais UNESCO Global Geopark (France)
Cruz-Pérez, M. A., García-Sánchez, L., Miros, J., Canet, C. and Muñoz-Salazar, J. I. Multidesignated areas: case study from Comarca Minera UNESCO Global Geopark, Mexico
Implementation of geodiversity and geoheritage for society and environment
Zwoliński, Z., Brilha, J., Gray, M. and Matthews, J. International Geodiversity Day: from grassroots geoscience campaign to UNESCO recognition