West, L. J., Farrell, R. P., Foley, A. E., Howlett, P. R. and Massei, N. An introduction to the chalk aquifers of northern Europe
Aquifer properties, geology and karst processes
Farrant, A. R., Maurice, L., Ballesteros, D. and Nehme, C. The genesis and evolution of karstic conduit systems in the Chalk
Maurice, L., Farrant, A. R., Mathewson, E. and Atkinson, T. Karst hydrogeology of the Chalk and implications for groundwater protection
Worthington, S. R. H. and Foley, A. E. Development of spatial permeability variations in English Chalk aquifers
Foley, A. E. and Worthington, S. R. H. Advances in conceptualizing transport in chalk aquifers
David, P.-Y., Pennequin, D., Charlier, J.-B., Ladouche, B., Meire, B., Feeny-Fereol, V., Helouin, S., Fournier, M., Riviere, C. and Sanson, G. Middle Risle River Critical Zone Observatory: monitoring karst-process evolution and its impact on surface water and on aquatic ecosystems
Mondain, P.-H. Example of a sinkhole landscaping project within the close protection area of a drinking water catchment at Saffré (France, Loire-Atlantique)
Marsili, A., Karapanos, I., Jaweesh, M., Yarker, D. R., Powers, E. M. and Sage, R. C. Artesian conditions in the Chilterns Chalk aquifer (NW of the London Basin) and the implications for surface water–groundwater interactions
Gaillard, T., Hoyez, B. and Hauchard, E. Contribution of stratigraphy to groundwater motion understanding in chalk: examples of karstogenic horizons of the Pointe de Caux, France
Groundwater monitoring
Farrell, R. P. and Whiteman, M. The Environment Agency Chalk groundwater level monitoring network in England
Henriksen, H. J., Nilsson, B., Ditlefsen, C., Troldborg, L. and Thorling, L. Groundwater level monitoring of Danish chalk and limestone aquifers to survey trends in quantitative status and groundwater resources
Groundwater management
Goderniaux, P., Orban, P., Rorive, A., Brouyère, S. and Dassargues, A. Study of historical groundwater level changes in two Belgian chalk aquifers in the context of climate change impacts
Hauchard, E., Turban, L. and Leclerq, E. The influence of geological structure on chalk karst aquifer function and its consequences for the protection of drinking-water supply; examples from Normandy, France
Bault, V., Gourcy, L., Cary, L., Winckel, A. and Bourgine, B. Characteristics of the chalk groundwater along the Picardy coast and its relationship with wetlands
Gaillard, T., Roux, J.-C. and Hauchard, E. The hydrogeological karstic chalk system of the Yport springs (Seine-Maritime, France): investigations and resource exploitation
Streetly, M., Bishop, S., Bradley, D. C. and Dunscombe, M. Managing public water supply abstraction from a Chalk aquifer to minimize risk of deterioration of ecological status
Groundwater-fed wetlands
Wetherell, A. Rivers, streams and wetlands – the Chalk and its water-dependent ecosystems
Whiteman, M., Farr, G., Haslam, A., Train, C., Kieboom, N., Farrell, R., Davison, P., Williams, H., Tang, S., Hall, J. and Jones, L. Source apportionment of nitrogen pressures at a Chalk-fed groundwater-dependent wetland
Engineering in the Chalk
Preene, M. and Roberts, T. Groundwater control for construction projects in chalk
Heat and solute transport
Gresselin, F., Dardaillon, B., Bordier, C., Parais, F. and Kauffmann, F. Use of statistical methods to characterize the influence of groundwater on the thermal regime of rivers in Normandy, France: comparison between the highly permeable, chalk catchment of the Touques River and the low permeability, crystalline rock catchment of the Orne River
Hoffmann, R., Goderniaux, P., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S. and Dassargues, A. Differentiated influence of the double porosity of the chalk on solute and heat transport
Diffuse pollution
Surdyk, N., Gourcy, L., Bault, V. and Baran, N. Nitrate transport in the chalk vadose zone in Picardy, France
Wilkinson, D. M. and Howe, S. The use of cover crops to reduce nitrate inputs to the Hampshire Chalk aquifer
Valdes, D., Chen, N., Dumont, M., Marlin, C., Blanchoud, H., Guérin, R., Guillemoteau, J., Alliot, F., Nespoulet, R., Aubry, E., Rouelle, M., Fauchard, C., Gombert, P. and Ribstein, P. Transfer of water and contaminants in the Chalk unsaturated zone – underground quarry of Saint-Martin-le-Noeud
Point source pollution
Dent, V., Dewhurst, R. E. and Dottridge, J. Understanding contaminant transport in Chalk from petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent contamination investigations
Cao, F., Jaunat, J. and Ollivier, P. A conceptual model of hydrogeological function and perchlorate transfer in the unconfined Champagne Chalk aquifer (NE France)