LANDGRAF, A., KüBLER, S., HINTERSBERGER, E. & STEIN, S. Active tectonics, earthquakes and palaeoseismicity in slowly deforming continents
Seismology and Hazard
STEIN, S., LIU, M., CAMELBEECK, T., MERINO, M., LANDGRAF, A., HINTERSBERGER, E. & KüBLER, S. Challenges in assessing seismic hazard in intraplate Europe
ZöLLER, G., ULLAH, S., BINDI, D., PAROLAI, S. & MIKHAILOVA, N. The largest expected earthquake magnitudes in Central Asia: statistical inference from an earthquake catalogue with uncertain magnitudes
KRüGER, F., KULIKOVA, G. & LANDGRAF, A. Instrumental magnitude constraints for the 11 July 1889, Chilik earthquake
AGURTO-DETZEL, H., ASSUMPçãO, M., BIANCHI, M. & PIRCHINER, M. Intraplate seismicity in mid-plate South America: correlations with geophysical lithospheric parameters
COSTAIN, J. K. Groundwater recharge as the trigger of naturally occurring intraplate earthquakes
Earthquake Geology
MöRNER, N.-A. Views on the dialectics between seismology and palaeoseismology with examples from southern Scandinavia
KüBLER, S., STREICH, R., LüCK, E., HOFFMANN, M., FRIEDRICH, A. M. & STRECKER, M. R. Active faulting in a populated low-strain setting (Lower Rhine Graben, Central Europe) identified by geomorphic, geophysical and geological analysis
SHIPTON, Z. K.,MEGHRAOUI,M. & MONRO, L. Seismic slip on the west flank of the Upper Rhine Graben (France–Germany): evidence from tectonic morphology and cataclastic deformation bands
CLARK, D., MCPHERSON, A., CUPPER, M., COLLINS, C. D. N. & NELSON, G. The Cadell Fault, southeastern Australia: a record of temporally clustered morphogenic seismicity in a low-strain intraplate region
WALKER, R. T., WEGMANN, K. W., BAYASGALAN, A., CARSON, R. J., ELLIOTT, J., FOX, M., NISSEN, E., SLOAN, R. A.,WILLIAMS, J. M.&WRIGHT, E. The Egiin Davaa prehistoric rupture, central Mongolia: a large magnitude normal faulting earthquake on a reactivated fault with little cumulative slip located in a slowly deforming intraplate setting
RUDERSDORF, A., HARTMANN, K., YU, K., STAUCH, G. & REICHERTER, K. Seismites as indicators for Holocene seismicity in the northeastern Ejina Basin, Inner Mongolia
ARROWSMITH, J. R., CROSBY, C. J., KORZHENKOV, A. M.,MAMYROV, E., POVOLOTSKAYA, I., GURALNIK, B. &LANDGRAF, A. Surface rupture of the 1911 Kebin (Chon–Kemin) earthquake, Northern Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan