Pas, D., Da Silva, A.C., Devleeschouwer, X., De Vleeschouwer, D., Labaye, C., Cornet, P., Michel, J., Boulvain, F., Sedimentary development and magnetic susceptibility evolution of the Frasnian in Western Belgium (Dinant Synclinorium, La Thure section).
Whalen, M.T., Sliwinski, M., Payne, J.H., Day, J.E., Chen, D., Da Silva, A.C. Chemostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of the late Devonian Frasnian-Famennian transition in Western Canada and Southern China: implications for carbon and nutrient cycling and mass extinction.
Sardar Abadi, A., Da Silva, A.C., Mossadegh, H., Spassov, S. & Boulvain, F. Lower Carboniferous ramp sedimentation of the Central Alborz Basin, North Iran: integrated sedimentological and rock–magnetic studies.
Dechamps, S., Boulvain, F., Da Silva, A.C. Magnetic susceptibility and facies relationship in Bajocian-Bathonian carbonates from the Azé caves, southeastern Paris Basin, France.
Jadot, H., Boulvain, F. Sedimentology and magnetic susceptibility of recent sediments from New Caledonia
Chadimova, K. Vacek, F., Sobien, K., Slavik, L., Hladil, J. Petrophysical record of the Late Silurian shallow-water carbonate facies across the Lau event (Prague Synform, Czech Republic) and dynamic time warping alignement of the magnetic susceptibility logs.
Devleeschouwer, X., Riquier, L., Babek, O., De Vleeschouwer, D., Petitclerc, E. Sterckx, S., Spassov, S.: Magnetization carriers of grey to red deep-water limestones in the GSSP of the Givetian-Frasnian boundary (Puech de la Suque, France): signals influenced by moderate diagenetic overprinting.
Alekseev A.O., Kabanov P.B., Alekseeva T.V. & Kalinin, P.E. Мagnetic susceptibility and geochemical characterization of an upper Mississippian cyclothemic section Polotnyanyi Zavod, (Moscow Basin, Russia).
Blumentritt, D.J. & Lascu, I. A comparison of magnetic susceptibility measurement techniques and ferrimagnetic component analysis from recent sediments in Lake Pepin (USA).
Ellwood, B.B., El Hassani, A., Tomkin, J.H., Bultynck, P. A climate-driven model using time-series analysis of magnetic susceptibility (c) datasets to represent a floating-point high-resolution geological timescale for the Middle Devonian Eifelian stage.
Grabowski J., Narkiewicz M., De Vleeschouwer D.: Forcing factors of the magnetic susceptibility signal in lagoonal and subtidal depositional cycles from the Zachełmie section (Eifelian, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)
De Vleeschouwer D., Boulvain, F., Da Silva, A.C., Pas, D., Labaye, C., Claeys, P. The astronomical calibration of the Givetian (Middle Devonian) timescale (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium).
Mayrhofer S., Lukeneder A. Susceptibility and radiometry data used for stratigraphic correlations: case study on Upper Triassic beds in Turkey