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Underground Gas Storage: Worldwide Experiences and Future Development in the UK and Europe

Product Code: SP313
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by D J Evans and R A Chadwick
Publication Date: 02 June 2009
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Special Publication 313.

The UK became a net importer of natural gas in 2004 and by 2020 will import up to 90% of its requirements, leaving it vulnerable to increasing energy bills and risk of disruption to supply. New pipelines to Europe and improvements to interconnectors will meet some demand, but Government recognises the need for increased gas storage capacity: best met by the construction of underground storage facilities. Energy security has also raised the likelihood of a new generation of coal-fired power-stations, which to be environmentally viable, will require clean-coal technologies with near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. A key element of this strategy will be underground CO2 storage. This volume reviews the technologies and issues involved in the underground storage of natural gas and CO2, with examples from the UK and overseas. The potential for underground storage of other gases such as hydrogen, or compressed air linked to renewable sources is also reviewed.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-272-2
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-86239-272-4
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 360
Weight: 0.87 kg


Underground gas storage: An introduction and UK perspective, D J Evans & R A Chadwick
The importance of gas storage to the UK: The DECC perspective, J Havard & R French
Gas storage: An onshore operator’s perspective, A Fernando & A Raman
Underground gas storage: Why and how, H Plaat
A review of onshore UK salt deposits and their potential for underground gas storage, D J Evans & S Holloway
Environmental and safety monitoring of the natural gas underground storage at Stenlille, Denmark, T Laier & H Øbro
Design of salt caverns for the storage of natural gas, crude oil and compressed air: Geomechanical aspects of construction, operation and abandonment, K-H Lux
New procedure for tightness tests (MIT) of salt cavern storage wells: Continuous high accuracy determination of relevant parameters, without the need to use radioactive tools, H Von Tryller, A Reitze & F Crotogino
Environmental issues in permitting gas storage: The Wild Goose case history, L M Hietter
Underground gas storage project at Welton oilfield, Lincolnshire: Local perspectives and responses to planning, environmental and community safety issues, M Davidson
Well integrity: An overlooked source of risk and liability for underground natural gas storage. Lessons learned from incidents in the USA, B Miyazaki
A review of underground fuel storage events and putting risk into perspective with other areas of the energy supply chain, D J Evans
Underground hydrogen storage in the UK, H B J Stone, I Veldhuis & R N Richardson
Subsurface characterization and geological monitoring of the CO2 injection operation at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada, J B Riding & C A Rochelle
Review of monitoring issues and technologies associated with the long-term underground storage of carbon dioxide, R A Chadwick, R Arts, M Bentham, O Eiken, S Holloway, G A Kirby, J M Pearce, J P Williamson & P Zweigel


T. J. A. Reijers

A timely book with a topic that requires the attention of everybody involved in the energy business. but also of concerned citizens that need accurate information. As such wholeheartedly recommended, also to a large public.

Christopher D. Hawkes

The book contains several well-written papers and meticulously compiled data sets, and it would make a valued addition to the collection of any geoscientist or geoenvironmental engineer who is interested in underground storage, or waste disposal for that matter.

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