A non-contacting resitivity imaging method for characterizing whole round core while in its liner ? One-man operable probe permeameters ? Network analogues of wettability at the pore scale ? Pore-structure visualization in microdioritic enclaves ? Pore-size data in petrophysics: a perspective on the measurement of pore geometry ? Acoustic wave propagation and permeability in sandstones with systems of aligned cracks ? A simple but powerful model for simulating elastic wave velocities in clastic silicate rocks ? Measurements of the relationship between sonic wave velocities and tensile strength in anisotropic rock ? Prediction of petrophysical properties from seismic quality-factor measurements ? Estimation of aspect-ratio changes with pressure from seismic velocities ? Petrophysical estimation from downhole mineralogy logs ? Petrophysical estimation of permeability as a function of scale ? Prediction of petrophysical parameter logs using a multilayer back propagation neural network ? The partioning of petrophysical data ? Electrical conductivity, spontaneous potential and ionic diffusion in porous media ? Fractal geometry, porosity and complex resitivity: from rough pore interfaces to hand specimens ? Fractal geometry, porosity and complex resitivity: from hand specimen to field data ? Tortuosity: a guide through the maze ? Feature recognition and the interpretation of images acquired from horizontal wellbores ? Scattering attenuation as a function of depth in the upper oceanic crust ? An application of the moiré method to a study of local strains during rock failure in tension ?