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Professor Francisco Hervé Allamand

Prof Francisco HerveProf Hervé's impressive production as a research scientist is only part of his career: he is a renowned and much-loved teacher, having supervised dozens of PhD and Masters theses.

His approach has always involved international collaborators (whom he attracted to Chile). Research fieldwork has always been designed to mix senior experts with young Chilean researchers and students, to the mutual benefit of everyone.

He has maintained close relationships with past students, many of whom are now prominent in academic and exploration geology (and other fields) and is well-known and respected nationally and internationally. He has always been prominent at international geological congresses dealing with the Pacific margin of Gondwana.

Prof Hervé has strong links, both professional and personal, with geoscientists in Argentina (where he has enabled cross-border investigations), Europe (France, Germany, Spain, UK, Bulgaria), USA, Australia and New Zealand. As Secretary of the Chilean Academy of Sciences he also has wide network of contacts amongst the most honoured and influential Chileans in other branches of Science. 

He is an Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of America.