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Investment Committee

The Investment Committee reports to the Finance and Planning Committee.


In accordance with the Bye-Laws of the Society, the Treasurer is responsible for oversight of the proper financial management and control of the Society’s income and expenditure, including investments and funds on deposit. The latter is achieved through the actions of the Investment Committee, in conjunction with the Society’s investment manager.

The primary purpose of the investment portfolio is to provide income and capital resources to support the current and future aims of the Geological Society of London. However, the Trustees of the Society, while having regard to the need to adhere to the requirement of charity law to maximise the return consistent with commercial prudence, will seek to ensure that investments are not made that are judged likely to alienate benefactors of the charity.


To ensure the delivery of a budgeted level of income in each year and maintain the real capital value of the value of funds under investment.

Terms of reference

  1. To ensure the investment manager’s compliance with the agreed investment mandate and for changes to the portfolio and investment strategy, within the requirements and limitations imposed by the Society’s Investment Policy.
  2. To advise the Finance and Planning Committee on investment policies, including risk profile, and on targets for income generation from investments.
  3. To appoint investment managers to the Investment Committee who are knowledgeable and competent in the provision of investment advice.
  4. To periodically review the performance of the investment managers to ensure that the advice given is adequate to discharge the responsibilities of the Investment Committee and to ensure compliance with the Society’s Investment Policy.
  5. After due consideration of advice received, to monitor the performance of the investment managers against targets or benchmarks. The appointment and on-going monitoring of investment managers will include an assessment of the investment manager’s adherence to the principles of the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Stewardship Code, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and best practice in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) stewardship.
  6. To advise the Finance and Planning Committee on expected short and long term performance of the Society’s investment assets for both income generation and capital growth.
  7. To report to the Finance and Planning Committee through the routine reports of the Treasurer and Director of Finance & Operations.

Method of working

There will normally be four meetings of the Investment Committee per year. Further business may be conducted by email. The secretariat will be provided by the Director of Finance & Operations.


Members, who do not need to be Fellows of the Society, will be invited to serve by the Treasurer and new members will be subject to the approval of the Finance and Planning Committee. Members will ideally include at least one Trustee in addition to the Treasurer and selection will be based on their experience, in particular of making investment decisions.

Committee Members


  • Dr Keith Myers (Treasurer)

Other Members

  • Joanna Alexander
  • Graham Goffey
  • Dr David Latin
  • Ms Fiona MacAulay
  • Mr Keith Nunn


  • Simon Thompson (Chief Executive)
  • Michael Clayton (Director of Finance & Operations)