Murchison Medal
The Murchison, Lyell and William Smith Medals are of equal status. The Society regards them very highly and they are not normally awarded on the basis of a few good papers or achievements. In the past, Council has often looked for some breadth as well as depth in the contributions before awarding these Medals.
The Murchison Medal is normally given for contributions to 'hard' rock studies. It was established under the will of Sir Roderick Impey Murchison (1792–1871), the Scottish geologist who first described the Silurian and Devonian successions in Britain, among other achievements, in a long and distinguished career.
Past winners
2024 David Pyle
2023 Mathilde Cannat
2022 Michael Bickle
2021 Graham Pearson
2020 Katharine Cashman
2019 Marian Holness
2018 Janne Blichert-Toft
2017 Tim Elliott
2016 Jon Blundy
2015 Geoffrey Wadge
2014 Julian Pearce
2013 Peter Kokelaar
2012 Frank Spear
2011 Bruce Watson
2010 Randall Parrish
2009 David Kohlstedt
2008 Mike Searle
2007 Herbert Huppert
2006 Brian Kennett
2005 Christopher Scholz
2004 Philip England
2003 Alexander Norman Halliday
2002 David Price
2001 Juan Watterson
2000 David Headley Green
1999 David Gubbins
1998 (Robert) Stephen (John) Sparks
1997 Bernard John Wood
1996 Robert Arbuckle Berner
1995 Ian Stuart Edward Carmichael
1994 Jorn Thiede
1993 Anthony Brian Watts
1992 Ian William Drummond Dalziel
1991 Michael Robert House
1990 Johnson Robin Cann
1989 Anthony Seymour Laughton
1988 Ian Gass
1987 Charles David Curtis
1986 Keith Gordon Cox
1985 Brian Frederick Windley
1984 James Christopher Briden
1983 Michael John O'Hara
1982 Derek Flinn
1981 George Malcolm Brown
1980 Joseph Victor Smith
1979 Wallace Spencer Pitcher
1978 Stephen Moorbath
1977 Martin Harold Phillips Bott
1976 Robert Andrew Howie
1975 John Sutton
1974 William Alexander Deer
1973 Alwyn Williams
1972 Stephen Robert Nockolds
1971 Basil Charles King
1970 Robert Milner Shackleton
1969 Percy Edward Kent
1968 Gilbert Wilson
1967 Thomas Stanley Westoll
1966 Kingsley Charles Dunham
1965 Walter Frederick Whittard
1964 George Hoole Mitchell
1963 Norman Leslie Falcon
1962 Errol Ivor White
1961 Wilfrid Edwards
1960 Archibald Gordon MacGregor
1959 Sydney Ewart Hollingworth
1958 Robert George Spencer Hudson
1957 Henry George Dines
1956 Frederick Murray Trotter
1955 Cyril James Stubblefield
1954 Kenneth Arthur Davies
1953 Frank Dixey
1952 William James Pugh
1951 William Bernard Robinson King
1950 Tom Eastwood
1949 Ernest Masson Anderson
1948 James Phemister
1947 Percy Evans
1946 Leonard Hawkes
1945 Walter Campbell Smith
1944 Vincent Charles Illing
1943 Alfred Brammall
1942 Henry Hurd Swinnerton
1941 Murray MacGregor
1940 Arthur Holmes
1939 Harold Jeffreys
1938 Henry Howe Bemrose
1937 Leonard James Spencer
1936 Ernest Edward Leslie Dixon
1935 Edward Battersby Bailey
1934 George Hickling
1933 Alexander Logie du Toit
1932 William George Fearnsides
1931 George Walter Tyrrell
1930 Arthur Lewis Hall
1929 Charles Alfred Matley
1928 Jakob Johannes Sederholm
1927 George Thurland Prior
1926 William Savage Boulton
1925 Herbert Henry Thomas
1924 Walcott Gibson
1923 John Joly
1922 John William Evans
1921 Edgar Sterling Cobbold
1920 Ethel Mary Reader Shakespear
1919 Gertrude Lilian Elles
1918 Joseph Burr Tyrrell
1917 George Frederic Matthew
1916 Robert Kidston
1915 William Whitehead Watts
1914 William Augustus Edmond Ussher
1913 George Barrow
1912 Louis Dollo
1911 Richard Hill
1910 Arthur Philemon Coleman
1909 Grenville Arthur James Cole
1908 Albert Charles Seward
1907 Alfred Harker
1906 Charles Thomas Clough
1905 Edward John Dunn
1904 George Alexander Louis Lebour
1903 Charles Callaway
1902 Frederic William Harmer
1901 Alfred John Jukes-Browne
1900 (Nils) Adolf Erik Nordenskiold
1899 John Horne
1899 Benjamin Neeve Peach
1898 Thomas Francis Jamieson
1897 Horace Bolingbroke Woodward
1896 Thomas Mellard Reade
1895 Gustaf Lindstrom
1894 William Talbot Aveline
1893 Osmond Fisher
1892 Alexander Henry Green
1891 Waldemar Christopher Brogger
1890 Edward Hull
1889 James Geikie
1888 John Strong Newberry
1887 Peter Bellinger Brodie
1886 William Whitaker
1885 Ferdinand von Roemer
1884 Henry Woodward
1883 Heinrich Robert Goeppert
1882 Jules Gosselet
1881 Archibald Geikie
1880 Robert Etheridge
1879 Frederick McCoy
1878 Hans Bruno Geinitz
1877 William Branwhite Clarke
1876 Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn
1875 William Jory Henwood
1874 John Jeremiah Bigsby
1873 William Davies