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Special offer for June

Save 75% on 'Global Heritage Stone: Worldwide Examples of Heritage Stones' until the end of June.

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Call for Abstracts

We are now welcoming abstract submissions from those wishing to participate in The Fookes Meeting for Engineering Geology. This inaugural event forms part of our recently launched Fookes Meeting Series.

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new meeting series The Fookes Meeting for Engineering Geology submit an abstract before 24 June

Library Showcase Day

Fellows, Student Members and Friends are invited to join us on Thursday 4 July for a special tour of the Library.

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a group of young people looking at maps laid out on a table

The Geological Society of London is the UK's national society for geoscience, providing support to c.12,000 members in the UK and overseas.

We aim to be an inclusive and thriving Earth science community advancing knowledge, addressing global challenges, and inspiring future generations.

silhouette of three people

Become a member

Not yet a member? Apply to join us today.

library books in background with a laptop, paper, pencil and open book on a table in the foreground

Library services

The Library is open from Tuesday to Thursday, 10am to 5pm. Explore our extensive collections, online resources and archives, and our services including postal loans, document supply, inter-library loans, database searches and more.

iPad calendar, diary, mobile phone and cup of tea

Society events

Explore a diverse range of topical hybrid conferences and thematic events that will build your knowledge of the future of Geology and Earth Science, address global challenges, and inspire future generations.

woman working at laptop

Training courses

We offer specialist training programmes to support key areas within geoscience. All training courses are endorsed by independent reviewers and are led by a fantastic range of industry experts. 

rainbow hands

Diversity in the geosciences

We are committed to supporting diversity in our staff and Fellowship, and we've made it a priority to help encourage and celebrate equality and inclusion in the geosciences.

Membership Renewals