Fellows and Student Members access entitlements and assistance
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Journals | Special Publications and books | Full Book Collection
All Fellows and Student Members are entitled to full online access to one Society journal option as part of their package of member benefits.
There are four journal options to choose from for 2025:
Journal of the Geological Society (JGS) and Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (QJEGH)
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (GEEA)
Petroleum Geoscience (PG)
Additionally, all Fellows and Student Members receive online access to the Transactions of the Geological Society of London (published 1811-1845) as part of their membership entitlements.
Fellows and Student Members can also choose to subscribe to additional Geological Society of London journal options for an annual fee. Please see the membership fees page.
Amendments to subscriptions can be made via MyGSL.
To find out how to access journals online, see the FAQs below.
Login to sign up for new content email alerts for individual journals and book series.
Please note: The Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society and the Scottish Journal of Geology are not Geological Society of London journals. Geological Society of London members can access content of the relevant journal by using Pay-per-view Access, purchasing a non-member subscription or by joining YGS for the Proceedings or GSG or EGS for the Scottish Journal (and Transactions of the Edinburgh or Glasgow geological societies).

Special Publications, Memoirs, and Engineering Geology Special Publications (Book Archive)
In addition to their journal entitlement, Fellows and Student Members receive free access to the Society’s online "Book Archive".
The Book Archive provides access to Special Publications, Memoirs, and Engineering Geology Special Publication book series on the Lyell Collection published prior to the current and three previous calendar years (excluding ebooks). All references are actively linked through to the source of cited material.
For 2025 the Book Archive includes book content published in 2022 and earlier.
In addition to the Book Archive, the Petroleum Geology Conference series (published on behalf of PGC Ltd.) is also available to members on the Lyell Collection (volumes 4 to 8).
Full Book Collection
Fellows and Student Members can subscribe to the Full Book Collection for an additional annual fee, which extends electronic access to more recent Special Publications, Memoirs, Energy Geoscience Conference Series and Engineering Geology Special Publication book series (including "In Progress" book articles). Please see the membership fees page for current rates.
For 2025 the Full Book Collection includes Special Publication, Memoir, Energy Geoscience Conference Series and Engineering Geology Special Publication content published from 2022 to current.
List of Geological Society book titles (excel file, including links for each title). Titles labelled "Full Book Collection required" require a current Full Book Collection subscription.
Please note: No journal or ebook content is included with the Book Archive or a Full Book Collection subscription.
Login to MyGSL or contact the Membership Department to subscribe to the Full Book Collection.

"In progress" content enables articles to appear online soon after they have been accepted for publication and ahead of the finalised issue. Accepted manuscripts are published first and then replaced later by the final typeset version.
Accepted manuscripts are available in PDF format. Please select "PDF" at the top of the reader screen as the full journal manuscript will not be visible in the default "EPUB" format. (Book articles are not available in EPUB format).
To access "In Progress" book articles members must have a subscription to the Full Book Collection. A current subscription allows access to the full text of each article.
Non-subscribing members may view the list of "In Progress" articles available, sign up for new content email alerts and purchase individual articles on a pay-per-view basis.
Members requiring access to content to which they do not subscribe can access articles by selecting the pay-per-view option, which is available for all Lyell Collection content. Find out more here: Lyell Collection pay-per-view access.
The Geological Society publishes Open Access articles which are free to all and are designated by an Open Access logo.
A discount on the Article Processing Charge is available to members of the Geological Society of London for selected journals (where the corresponding author or at least half the authors are Fellows or Student Members).
Please note that the websites www.geolsoc.org.uk and www.lyellcollection.org are maintained separately. If you update your login details or user information on one site, they will not automatically be updated on the other site.
If you are also a member of EAGE, Association of Applied Geochemists, Edinburgh Geological Society, Geological Society of Glasgow or Yorkshire Geological Society please see the FAQ for other membership types.
Please see the Lyell Collection site help page for technical assistance.
For assistance during the registration or login process please click on "Help" and then "Chat with us".
Frequently asked questions
Please note that the websites www.geolsoc.org.uk and www.lyellcollection.org are maintained separately. If you update your login details or user information on one site, they will not automatically be updated on the other site.
If you are also a member of EAGE, Association of Applied Geochemists, Edinburgh Geological Society, Geological Society of Glasgow or Yorkshire Geological Society please see the FAQ for other membership types.
Please see the Lyell Collection site help page for technical assistance.
For assistance during the registration or login process please click on "Help" and then "Chat with us".
To access the Lyell Collection please ensure you are using the latest browser version of Chrome, Safari, Edge or Firefox. When downloading PDF articles please check your internet browser settings to allow pop-ups from the Lyell Collection site.
For current members:
The login system for the Lyell Collection uses CONNECT.
Please register on the Lyell Collection site using the same email address* you use for logging into the Geological Society of London website (MyGSL).
Click "Log In | Register", then "Individual Login | Register" and then "Sign up"**.
Enter your name, the email address registered with the Society and create your own password. Click "Continue" and then enter the verification code sent to you by email within 5 minutes. The email is sent from no.reply[at]scienceconnect.io. Please check your spam/junk folder. If you do not receive the code in time please use the "Chat with us" function to contact assistance.
*If you have not registered an email address with the Society (or it has changed) please email the Society with your name, membership number and your preferred email address with a request for your email address to be changed in the membership database and your Lyell Collection access record.
**The options to sign in with ORCID, Google, Microsoft, Apple and Twitter credentials are available, but this will not enable access unless that sign in option also uses the same email address as your existing Geological Society login. If you already have a CONNECT login with the same email address registered with the Society then please login with your CONNECT password.
The email address on your membership record and the email address used for registration will link together to allow access to the relevant content. Please login to view the relevant content.
For new members
The Lyell Collection site host will email an access activation email from alerts[at]lyellcollection.org when your entitlements have been uploaded from the Society database. Please follow the instructions in the email to register with CONNECT and link the Lyell Collection access record to your email address.
The options to sign in with ORCID, Google, Microsoft, Apple and Twitter credentials are available, but this will not enable access unless that sign in option also uses the same email address as your Geological Society login. If you already have a CONNECT login with the same email address registered with the Society then please login with your CONNECT password.
Please allow up to 10 days for the access entitlements to be uploaded and the activation email to be sent.
Please use the email address registered with the Geological Society of London when registering on the site or logging in. You can request a verification code to be sent to this email address if you have forgotten your password. The email is sent from no.reply[at]scienceconnect.io. Please check your spam/junk folder. If you do not receive the code in time please use the "Chat with us" function to contact assistance.
*If you have not registered an email address with the Society please email the Society with your name, membership number and your preferred email address with a request for your email address to be changed in the membership database and your Lyell Collection access record.
You can view your access entitlements in My Account > Access Entitlements. The journal(s) and book series available to view are listed under Subscriptions.
When you have logged in and are recognised by the site (your name is at the top of the screen) the text above each article title in the table of contents will show your access entitlements:
"Open padlock | Free Access" - content available to all.
"Orange padlock | Open Access" - content available to all.
"Open padlock | Full Access" - this content is available as part of your current membership entitlements.
If there is no text then this content is not available as part of your current membership entitlements. You can view the Abstract.
Please note that selected articles are only available in PDF format (all content published in 1999 and earlier, plus some later book content). If only the abstract and references are visible please click on "PDF" in the article header to view the full article.
Please read through the details below to check your access entitlements. If you cannot access content you are entitled to as part of your Geological Society membership please contact us for assistance.
If you have recently changed your journal option, or upgraded to the Full Book Collection, please allow up to 7 days for the amendment to be made to your access record.
Geological Society members can view and download articles from JGS, QJEGH, PG, GEEA or Geoenergy (when they subscribe to the relevant journal). Members receive one free subscription to a Society journal option of their choice:
Journal of the Geological Society (JGS) and Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology (QJEGH)
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (GEEA)
Petroleum Geoscience (PG)
Members can also choose to subscribe to an additional Society journal option for an annual fee. Please see the membership fees page for current rates.
Please note: The Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society and Scottish Journal of Geology are also available via the Lyell Collection. These are not Geological Society journals. Members can access content of the relevant journal by using pay-per-view or by joining the relevant membership organisation. YGS for the Proceedings, or GSG or EGS for the Scottish Journal.
The Book Archive provides members with access to Special Publications, Memoirs and Engineering Geology Special Publications published prior to the current and three previous calendar years.
From January 2025 this includes access to book content published in 2021 and earlier.
Members can purchase an annual subscription to the Full Book Collection which extends electronic access to the more recent book content (including "In Progress" book articles).
Please note: No journal or ebook content is included in the Book Archive or a Full Book Collection subscription.
A full list of Geological Society book titles and their direct links (excel file).
The fees for access to additional Society journals and the Full Book Collection are listed here - Membership Fees. To amend your membership options please login to the portal or email the membership department. Articles from the Full Book Collection (published in current or three previous calendar years) or journals to which the fellow does not subscribe can also be purchased using pay-per-view or from the Society Library (please contact the Library for current pricing).
Please login to the Lyell Collection and click on "Alerts" in the blue bar to sign up to receive email alerts for new articles or issues.
When you are first added to the Lyell Collection, the system sends an email to your registered email address so that you can verify the email address and confirm that you wish to activate your account. This email is sent from alerts[at]lyellcollection.org
An email is also sent when your access record is updated by an amendment from the membership database e.g. a change of email address or journal option - or a renewal update for the new membership year.
The link in the activation email is valid for 48 hours. If the link has expired and you are already registered on the Lyell Collection please go to the login page on the Lyell Collection, enter your email address and a verification code will be sent to you by email (from no.reply[at]scienceconnect.io).
If you are not already registered on the Lyell Collection please contact us for a new verification email.
When you are given access to a new publication, the system sends an email to your registered email address to confirm this entitlement and also a reminder to activate your account if not already done so. This email is sent from alerts[at]lyellcollection.org
Please contact us by email with the details of the IP address shown in the message so we can investigate. Too many sessions have been created from a single IP address in a specified length of time e.g. multiple Lyell Collection webpages open on different browser tabs or trying to access one Lyell Collection webpage unsuccessfully 25 times.
"In progress" content enables articles to appear online soon after they have been accepted for publication and ahead of the finalised issue. Accepted manuscripts are published first and then replaced later by the final typeset version.
Accepted manuscripts are available in PDF format. Please select "PDF" at the top of the reader screen as the full journal manuscript will not be visible in the default "EPUB" format. (Book articles are not available in EPUB format).
To access journal "in progress" articles members must have a subscription to the relevant journal.
To access Special Publication or Memoir "in progress" articles members must have a subscription to the Full Book Collection.
The Geological Society publishes Open Access articles which are free to all and are designated by an Open Access logo.
All Society journals are online only.
Access to Lyell Collection content is not included with a Corporate Patron membership. Please use pay-per-view or recommend the purchase of an annual corporate or institutional subscription.
Content recommendation form
If you would like to recommend that your library subscribes to the Lyell Collection, or to a Society journal or book series, please complete the recommendation form.
Complete the recommendation formOnline content email alert sign-up
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Lyell Collection content email alerts